Susan Bovair
It is no profit to have learned well, if you neglect to do well. Publilius Syrus (~100 BC)
I’m a mom to 3 boys, and grandma to 4 handsome little boys and 9 beautiful little girls! Can you believe it?? THIRTEEN grandchildren!!! :-D
I love creating things for my family. There are my kids and their spouses, my
grandchildren, my partner and his 3 kids… I’ve got two living brothers, four sister-in-laws, eight nephews, four nieces and an uncountable number more extended family members and friends. I’m always thinking of the next gift I’m going to make!
My paternal grandmother taught me how to crochet when I was about 8 and I’ve been actively crocheting since I was about 14. I kept trying to teach my mom how to crochet, but she never got the hang of it. I wanted to teach her how to loom knit instead, but I ran out of time before she passed away at way too young an age.
My maternal grandmother tried to teach me how to knit when I was about 8 (around the same time I was learning crochet) but never could quite catch on. I could make a terrific, never-ending scarf- just didn’t know how to finish it off! lol I had to relearn, because i just didn't keep up back then. Finally got it pretty much figured out… how was I to know that Gram taught me left-handed knitting? She was right-handed, as am I! lol I'm not nearly as proficient with knitting as I am with crochet though.
Yarn Tails Designs

- Wee Willie Winkie Long Stocking Cap
- Yarn Tails Designs
Yarn Tails Designs

- Baby Doll or Teenie Preemie Hat
- Yarn Tails Designs