Susan Plack
Thanks for visiting my pattern page. These designs are copyright and my original designs. As I am offering up some patterns for free, I do request that you not sell any of these patterns, or any items made from these patterns, without prior permission. Please contact me if you have any questions about selling products made from my designs.
This is especially true for the Pussy Hat pattern. All of my hats are given away for free, please join me in that. I am fine with you asking for reimbursement for the yarn, but not in you selling the hats and making a profit. Thanks for respecting my wishes.
About me:
Quiltmaker, educator, spinner, mother, wife, out to change the world one plastic bag at a time. Have finally learned how to knit after 40 years of trying.
When I was 10, my dad was stationed in the Panama Canal zone. I joined the ballet class and was a dancer for all the musical productions on the post. One of the mom chaperones taught me how to do cross stitch and crochet backstage while waiting to go on. In middle school I took the required home ec class and learned to sew on a machine. In high school I moved on to embroidery and cruel work. College brought about macrame and more embroidery. When I got married, I decided I needed to really learn how to sew, so got my first (of many) sewing machine and made hubbies dress shirts. I then took a spinning class and learned to spin and weave. Once the kids arrived, I made all their clothes, until they decided store bought was better. With that left over fabric from making clothes, I got into quilting, which took me on a 20 year detour filled with quilts, beading, embroidery, silk ribbon work, etc, while my loom and wheel sat mostly idle.
In 2010 I signed up for an adult ed spinning class and dove back into spinning yarn. After years of trying, I have finally conquered knitting. In 2016 I went back to my roots of weaving, by creating the chuppah for DD’s wedding in July.
Some people think I am a fast learner. Not really, I have just been plugging away at all things fiber for a long time.
Susan Plack's Ravelry Store
- My Kid Socks are Faster
- Susan Plack's Ravelry Store
Susan Plack's Ravelry Store

- Machine Knit Pussy Hats
- Susan Plack's Ravelry Store