Susette Newberry

Susette Newberry
My main knitting project is an abecedarium of knitted letters, which I am publishing via my blog, Knitting Letters: A to Z. Occasionally, I chart out and publish the designs and try to make them freely available as ravelry downloads. The point of the project is to produce a knitted book. If you have any questions, please PM me.
Wondering what an abecedarium is? It’s an alphabet that celebrates the typographic design of individual letters and a word that begins with and represents the letter. In the most familiar example, “A is for apple,” the form and shape of the A are as important as the illustrated apple that represents the letter.
Miniature Ampers& Sweater
Knitting Letters: A to Z
Knitting Letters: A to Z

- Miniature Ampers& Sweater
- Knitting Letters: A to Z
Miniature Turkish Stocking
Knitting Letters: A to Z
Knitting Letters: A to Z

- Miniature Turkish Stocking
- Knitting Letters: A to Z
We Call Them Ampersands
Susette Newberry’s Ravelry Store
Susette Newberry’s Ravelry Store

- We Call Them Ampersands
- Susette Newberry’s Ravelry Store