Svanhild Strom and Marjun Biskopsto

Svanhild Strom and Marjun Biskopsto

original designs

Faroe Island Knits: Over 50 Traditional Motifs and 25 Projects from the North Atlantic
  • Lena
  • Faroe Island Knits: Over 50 Traditional Motifs and 25 Projects from the North Atlantic
Skóleistar House Slippers
Faroe Island Knits: Over 50 Traditional Motifs and 25 Projects from the North Atlantic
Faroe Island Knits: Over 50 Traditional Motifs and 25 Projects from the North Atlantic
  • Elin
  • Faroe Island Knits: Over 50 Traditional Motifs and 25 Projects from the North Atlantic
Maria Christina
Faroe Island Knits: Over 50 Traditional Motifs and 25 Projects from the North Atlantic
  • Maria Christina
  • Faroe Island Knits: Over 50 Traditional Motifs and 25 Projects from the North Atlantic
Faroe Island Knits: Over 50 Traditional Motifs and 25 Projects from the North Atlantic
  • Rakul
  • Faroe Island Knits: Over 50 Traditional Motifs and 25 Projects from the North Atlantic