Taralee Duffin
Taralee Duffin
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chunky head warmer with flower
taraduff's Etsy shop
taraduff's Etsy shop
- chunky head warmer with flower
- taraduff's Etsy shop
medallion earring
Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
- medallion earring
- Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
Crochet Headwarmer / Earwarmer
taraduff's Etsy shop
taraduff's Etsy shop
- Crochet Headwarmer / Earwarmer
- taraduff's Etsy shop
crochet headwarmer with contrasting border and flower
taraduff's Etsy shop
taraduff's Etsy shop
- crochet headwarmer with contrasting border and flower
- taraduff's Etsy shop
child's crochet bunny costume
Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
- child's crochet bunny costume
- Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
Bobble Hood with Tassels
Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
- Bobble Hood with Tassels
- Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
Candy Corn Crochet Hat
Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
- Candy Corn Crochet Hat
- Taraduff's crochet and other stuff (blog)
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