The Dawn
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
A Crochet Square The Dawn, Friday 1 September 1899 56
A Dainty Insertion The Dawn, Sunday 1 September 1895 2 42
A Dessert D'Oyley The Dawn, Monday 2 July 1894 1 141
A Pretty Trimming Lace The Dawn, Friday 1 September 1899 116
A Useful Pattern The Dawn, Sunday 1 September 1895 1 33
Alpha Lace The Dawn, Thursday 1 August 1895 45
Baby's Knitted Socks The Dawn, Wednesday 1 May 1895 15
Child's Crocheted Petticoat The Dawn, Tuesday 1 December 1896 100
Child's Petticoat The Dawn, Wednesday 1 July 1896 93
Crochet Lace for Trimming Underlinen The Dawn, Wednesday 1 May 1895 1 174
Crochet Trimming, No. 1 The Dawn, Monday 1 July 1895 34
Crocheted Border The Dawn, Saturday 1 June 1895 21
Crocheted Cape The Dawn, Wednesday 1 July 1896 2 226
Crocheted Edging, No. 2 The Dawn, Monday 1 July 1895 20
Crocheted Ruche The Dawn, Friday 1 May 1896 56
Crocheted Silk Gimp and Edge The Dawn, Sunday 1 March 1896 17
Curtain Bands The Dawn, Friday 1 December 1893 74
Doll's Crochet Frock The Dawn, Wednesday 1 July 1896 45
Edge for Flannel Skirt The Dawn, Friday 1 November 1895 1 33
Edging for Skirt The Dawn, Sunday 1 September 1895 1 87
Furniture Bordering The Dawn, Thursday 1 June 1893 61
Handsome Point Lace The Dawn, Friday 1 March 1895 20
Insertion and Edging The Dawn, Sunday 1 September 1895 65
Items in House Furnishing. The Dawn, Saturday 1 July 1893 59
Knitted Pelerine for Elderly Ladies The Dawn, Sunday 1 September 1895 3 167