The Knit Cafe Toronto
The Knit Cafe Toronto is a yarn shop of deliciousness and resource centre for crafters. We’re chockablock full of lovely yarns in natural fibres from around the world. Our needles and accessories are mainly handmade and beautiful- a pleasure to use! We have a window gallery where fibre artists display their work everything from crocheted and knitted anatomical hearts for valentine’s day, to yarn-wrapped branches, to knitted bicycle covers! And to top it all off we teach a wide range of classes for beginners all the way up to seasoned pros. Basically it’s a haven for all fibre enthusiasts- do come by and visit when you’re in the hood!
Shop Hours
Mon- closed
Tues-Fri 11am-6pm
Sat 11am - 5pm
Sun 12pm - 5pm
the knit café
1350 Dundas St. West
Toronto ON
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The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry

- Accidentally On Purpose
- The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
- New Order Mittens
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog

- I Heart My Bike Lock Cozy
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
- French Nautical Scarf
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry
- Saturday Night Shrug
- The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog

- lickity split fingerless mitts
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog

- st. johns wort hat
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry
- your first blanket
- The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry
The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry

- extra long gloves
- The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog

- soft felt scarf
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog

- basketweave scarf
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog

- sweet alpaca toque
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog

- poncho perfecto
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog

- felted fruit bowl
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry

- woven baby blanket
- The Knit Cafe Toronto on Ravelry
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog

- fancy felted clutch
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
- cap sleeve cutie
- The Knit Cafe Toronto Website/Blog
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