Tomoko Takamori
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
#24 a rabbit in love Amigurumi Animals(動物あみぐるみ) September 1998 1
American Lions Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 24 6
Big Teddy Bear Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 1999 64 35
Black and White Kittens Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 38 47
Bottle Cover Bear ボトルカバー くま  Tomoko Takamori's Crochet タカモリ・トモコのかぎ針編み 編んだら編めちゃった November 2012 2 7
Boy and Girl Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 11 4
Butterflies Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi February 2006 27 32
Cat-like Tiger Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 9 13
Citron Puppy Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 4 5
Colorful donkeys Tomoko Takamori's "Let's Crochet!" Amigurumi タカモリ・トモコのあんでねあみぐるみ October 2006 2
Colorful Donkeys Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi December 2007 17 17
Cotton Candy Elephants Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 26 6
Cotton Puppies Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 18 7
Fluffy Animals Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 38 43
Frogs on Holiday Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 70 82
Jackrabbit and little teddy bear Jackrabbit Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 19 10
Little Duckling Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 2007 70 41
Little Teddy Bear Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts Amigurumi January 1999 217 123
p.10 The Parisian Black Doggie Amigurumi Ehon あみぐるみ絵本 October 1994 1
P.10-11 Wolf オオカミいぬ Amigurumi no hon あみぐるみの本 November 2005 2 1
P.12 Penelope Penelope's Amigurumi ペネロペのあみぐるみ May 2009 28 14
P.12 Rabbit in dress / ワンピースうさぎ Amigurumi no hon あみぐるみの本 November 2005 6 19
P.14 Penelope's Rabbit Friend and basket Penelope's Amigurumi ペネロペのあみぐるみ May 2009 1 3
P.14-15 Horse / うま。 Amigurumi no hon あみぐるみの本 November 2005 2 12
P.16 Césarine セザリーヌ Penelope's Amigurumi ペネロペのあみぐるみ May 2009 1 1