Tora Frøseth Design

Tora Frøseth Design
I have always been knitting. It’s my shortcut to the flow condition. It enhances every average situation I may find myself in. I want no days to be without knitting.
I blog about knitting, life and more on k n i t t i n g a l o t
Ready set winter (Klar ferdig vinter)
Tora Frøseth Design
Tora Frøseth Design

- Ready set winter (Klar ferdig vinter)
- Tora Frøseth Design
Big sister's dress (Kjole til storesøster)
Tora Frøseth Design
Tora Frøseth Design

- Big sister's dress (Kjole til storesøster)
- Tora Frøseth Design
Sweetheart (Kjærlighet på pinne)
Tora Frøseth Design
Tora Frøseth Design

- Sweetheart (Kjærlighet på pinne)
- Tora Frøseth Design
Little Sister's Dress (Kjole til lillesøster)
Tora Frøseth Design
Tora Frøseth Design

- Little Sister's Dress (Kjole til lillesøster)
- Tora Frøseth Design