Wendy Harbaugh

Wendy Harbaugh

I am a costume designer and florist by trade. I am the mom to three beautiful young ladies that I am most proud of.

I have a blog Sunshine’s Creations that I like to put a lot of my projects on please check it out and let me know what you think of it. Please visit my etsy store Vintage Threads Inc. This is where a lot of those projects end up in. Or my blog clearance store for patterns and items that are on sale.


I was one of the pattern editors for Mary Jane Butters book “Stitching Room” always fun to see your name in the credits of a book.

Publish in the e-magazine “Small town Living” several times.

  • English paper piecing (hand pieced quilts) April May 2007
  • traditional embroidered felt ornaments Feb March 2007

In 2008 I had a how to on embroidered felt ornaments using biscuit cutter published in the Guardian in the Christmas special in the UK.

I am the author of Learn to do yo-yo crochet through Annie’s Attic April 2010

Had three patterns featured in the magazine “Crochet” by DRG publishing in Aug-September fall edition 2010 featuring yo-yo crochet.

I am one of the pattern editors for “Just Be Happy crochet hats for babies and toddlers “ by Alessandra Hayden
ISBN 978-0-578-07567-9 47 pages

I have a patterned featured in an upcoming book due out in June of 2011 that is for an advent calendar. It is a sewing book. The book is called Countdown Calendars by C&T Publishing isbn 978-1-60705-174-9

For those that like Romanian Point Lace there is now a group on Ravelry growing every day I am one of the admins on there feel free to come join us and learn this hard to find tecnique.

Please if you have questions about any of my patterns or any in general questions in fiber arts that I can answer please join me and others at the ravelry Group “Sunshine’s Creations

If you like my blog and the free patterns and tutorials and want to say thank you
I have a wish list on ravelry of patterns I would like to make.
Thank you in advance for being kind and
saying thank you back.

Love Sunshine
But please do not feel like you have to

original designs

Previous1 2 of 2
afghan and crochet repair
Sunshine's Creations
Bonus hidden pattern
Annie's Attic #871037, Learn to Do Yo-Yo Crochet
3 baby lace patterns
Vintage Threads Inc
baby picot edging
Vintage Threads Inc
Basic cord & tutorial RPL
Sunshine's Creations
Crocheted Chapeau
Vintage Threads Inc
Juggling Hexes
Sunshine's Creations
hex granny square
Sunshine's Creations
Triangle Hair Scarf
Sunshine's Creations
Red and White
Vintage Threads Inc
picot clover edging
Vintage Threads Inc
Previous1 2 of 2