Winter Crowe

Winter Crowe

Hello all! Currently working on an overhaul to how I write my patterns. Hopefully that will allow me to get the embarrassing number of drafts I have saved out into the world. I appreciate any and all feedback!

Additionally, if you have any ideas on how I can make my patterns and/or designs more accessible, I’d love to hear from you.

original designs

Cuppycake Patch or Pocket
Sleepy Owl Designs
As a patch on leggings
Spiral Pouch
Sleepy Owl Designs
Valentine Hearts
Sleepy Owl Designs
Tampa Hat
Sleepy Owl Designs
Lacey Kerchief
Sleepy Owl Designs
Punkin Hat
Sleepy Owl Designs
Ballerina Skirt
Sleepy Owl Designs
Bunny Hat
Sleepy Owl Designs
Granny Cap
Sleepy Owl Designs
Scaly Vase Cozy
Sleepy Owl Designs
Sleepy Owl Designs
  • Owlet
  • Sleepy Owl Designs
Midnight Top
Sleepy Owl Designs
Summer Stripes
Sleepy Owl Designs