Woolly Thoughts
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Bunch of Fives Pat Ashforth & Steve Plummer's Ravelry Store January 1997 1 129
Calendar Cubes Woolly Thoughts Website April 2013 2 134
Chained Up Neck and Neck ... and Neck and Neck January 2005 1 64
Check Mate Afghan Games January 1999 3 132
Chromatic Scale Woolly Thoughts Website January 2002 4 244
Code Comfort Woolly Thoughts Website January 2003 6 284
Conjoined Möbius Hat Woolly Thoughts Website December 2012 36 539
Corrugated Comforters Mufflermatics January 2002 49
Counting Pane Pat Ashforth & Steve Plummer's Ravelry Store January 1997 23 471
Cube Thing Woolly Thoughts Website January 2018 50 672
Cubism Pat Ashforth & Steve Plummer's Ravelry Store January 1997 27 850
Curve of Pursuit Pat Ashforth & Steve Plummer's Ravelry Store January 1997 552 7499
Cushion Conglomeration Caper Second Thoughts January 2008 69 1934
Cushion: Best of Both Whirls Cushy Numbers January 2000 14 660
Cushion: Cubism Cushy Numbers January 2000 6 477
Cushion: Double Shuffle 12 Pillows of Wisdom January 2001 1 47
Cushion: Double Vision Cushy Numbers January 2000 16 349
Cushion: Ely Cathedral Maze Cushy Numbers January 2000 2 185
Cushion: Faultless 12 Pillows of Wisdom January 2001 2 60
Cushion: Fibre-nacci 12 Pillows of Wisdom January 2001 2 130
Cushion: Have It All Ways Cushy Numbers January 2000 2 46
Cushion: Impossible Square Woolly Thoughts Website June 2009 2 69
Cushion: Meta4 12 Pillows of Wisdom January 2001 3 89
Cushion: Penrose Cushy Numbers January 2000 4 215
Cushion: Quadrille 12 Pillows of Wisdom January 2001 1 59