0-37 Dress with long sleeves by DROPS design

0-37 Dress with long sleeves

no longer available from other sources show
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
17 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 7 - 4.5 mm
1048 - 1179 yards (958 - 1078 m)
S – M - L
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Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

DROPS dress and scarf in “Ull-Boucle”

DROPS Extra 0-37

Size: S - L.

Materials: DROPS Ull-Boucle from Garnstudio
400-400-450 g colour no 06, burgundy

DROPS circular and double pointed needles size 4.5 mm - or size needed to get 17 sts x 26 rows in stocking st on needle size 4.5 mm = 10 x 10 cm.

DROPS Ull-Boucle: Discontinued / Alternative Yarns (Yarn Group C)
DROPS Alpaca Boucle is recommended as a substitute.

Front and back pieces are worked back and forth on circular needle until after the split and then in the round.

Sleeves: Worked in the round on double pointed needles.

British English

Pattern includes crocheted scarf:
67-24 Crocheted Scarf