#0390 Red Polo Neck Top and Grey Skirt by stickatillbarbie.se

#0390 Red Polo Neck Top and Grey Skirt

no longer available from 1 source show
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 0 - 2.0 mm
To fit Barbie, 29 cm (11½ inch) fashion doll
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Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

Doll outfit
A polo-neck/turtleneck top and skirt.

Top is worked in Fisherman’s rib (or plain brioche stitch as an equivalent). It’s worked bottom up in one piece and seamed at underarm, upper arm and center back (seaming instructions not included).

Skirt is worked flat, top down, and seamed. You can easily adapt pattern to knitting in the round.