14. Edge lace 2 by Olga Jamovidova

14. Edge lace 2

August 2011
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

A simple zigzag edge lace stitch motif.
Second variation of the edge lace motif has additional zigzag row of yarn-overs what makes edge lace longer and lighter.

Related blog post

This pattern is a part of blog-project (newlace.blogspot.com).
This blog is place for re-invention of knitted Estonian lace. We create and show new lace patterns which are inspired by traditions of our beloved Haapsalu shawls.

Aim of the project:
To enrich and popularize Estonian lace patterns by creating

* single motive patterns of known motifs,
* adaptations of known motifs for triangular shawls,
* variations of known motifs,
* new patterns for shawls.

I would like to thank Meeli for test-knitting and beautiful pictures.