#2 V-neck Lace Top

March 2010
DK (11 wpi) ?
22.5 stitches and 34 rows = 4 inches
in pattern A
US 4 - 3.5 mm
3.0 mm
935 yards (855 m)
bust 胸囲90cm, length 丈54cm
This pattern is available for free.

Japanese name: 透かし模様のVネックセーター

For help using the Tezukuritown website, please visit the Japanese Knitting & Crochet group.


  • Yarn: 300g (855m) of Puppy Antibes
  • Needles: Japanese size 5 (3.6mm)
  • Hook: Japanese size 5/0 (3.0mm)

Gauge in 10cm:
Pattern A: 22.5 stitches x 34 rows
Pattern B: 20.5 stitches x 42.5 rows