2612 Lady's lacy summer sweater by Passap Design Team

2612 Lady's lacy summer sweater

Machine Knitting
September 1979
Lace ?
1260 yards (1152 m)
88 (92) cm bust
English French
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Passap knitting machine instructions for a sweater knitted in transfer lace. This can be done entirely manually with hand transfers following the diagram given or with a transfer lock (U70, U100 or U100e) and the diagram or with Deco punchcard 87.

This crew neck, set in sleeve pattern was also available as a Forma paper pattern.

The “!” designates this as a “particularly easy and quick to knit” pattern.

The pattern calls for 180g “fairly fine orlon” (640g per 100g). (Orlon was a brand name of a type of acrylic yarn.)

Test pattern in the transfer lace stitch: 100 sts = 38 cm, 100 rows = 24 cm

The photograph can be found on p10 of the model book (p11 of the pdf), the instructions start on p20 of the instruction book (p39 of the pdf).