A Long Purse Knitted from Side to Side by Esther Copley

A Long Purse Knitted from Side to Side

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This is a simple pattern for a long purse, now more often called a miser’s purse. It may be found on page 189 of The Comprehensive Knitting Book, published in 1849.

Purses are knit of silk purse twist or Berlin wool on fine steel pins. Information about purse knitting may be found on the preceding page of the book (pg. 188). Since silk purse twist is no longer made, silk beading cord is a reasonable modern substitute. Crewel wool may be substituted for Berlin wool.

As with many 19th century patterns, there is no gauge given nor any dimensions for the bag. Knitters in the period would have known what size a purse would be, and some museum pieces have measurements that modern knitters can use for guidelines.