A Picot-Edged White Top by Jacqueline Henderson

A Picot-Edged White Top

Thread ?
On size E hook: 1 strip measures 2 1/2 inches. On size G hook: 1 strip measures 2 3/4 inches. Note: use 2 strands cotton held together.
3.5 mm (E)
4.5 mm
1300 - 1350 yards (1189 - 1234 m)
small (6-8) [medium (10-12)]

A lacy top - you crochet lace strips (of single and double crochet and chain stitches), then crochet the strips together. (from pattern description)

Size - top measures 15 1/2” 17” across back at underarms.

Picture as seen on cover of magazine.