Alice's Medieval Hood by Molly Marking

Alice's Medieval Hood

March 2016
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
9.5 stitches and 8 rows = 2 inches
US 8 - 5.0 mm
400 - 650 yards (366 - 594 m)
infant to adult
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

When a sweater isn’t appropriate for your Medieval ensemble, a knit hood will take off the chill.

This Medieval hood starts with a knit (or crochet!) border to fit the wearer’s measurement around the shoulders. Stitches are then picked up on the border and knit in the round, decreasing for shaping. The hood is then worked back and forth for the opening.

While the directions are for an adult size using worsted weight yarn, the pattern is easily adaptable for infants and children. Smaller sizes might benefit from being made from fingering or sport weight.

My Green Leaf sample was made with a “Scalloped Leaves” border from “Knitting on the Edge” by Nicky Epstein. The blue and grey Crenelated hood was a simple garter stitch squares, cast on and bound off to form the crenelations.

The pattern includes variations for the front hood opening. I have not included instructions for one, but a liripipe would be a grand addition! Just be sure to make a fairly short one or the weight will pull it off your head!