Alternative ML Knitted Knockers by Makoshark

Alternative ML Knitted Knockers

no longer available from 1 source show
September 2018
This pattern is available for free.

The ‘Knitted Knockers’ web site has a (free) pattern for Magic Loop knockers, but I found it a little bit cumbersome.

This pattern is just a variation of the original patter that makes knitting the knockers Magic Loop-style, and 2-at-a-time, a little bit easier.

This is achieved by having not 3, but 6 increase points, and therefore balancing the stitches on the needles without re-distributing the stitches, which is quite awkward when knitting 2-at-a-time.

On the back side there are also 6 decrease points, which makes the decreases less of a ridge, and therefore softer.

Direct link to the .pdf