An Unusual Jumper by Evette

An Unusual Jumper

by Evette
April 1935
2-ply Crepe Knitting Wool
Lace ?
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
US 7 - 4.5 mm
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Shoulder clasps are a new idea for knitted jumpers, and this model has an unusual neckline which is decorated with these clasps. (…) The deep ribbed cuffs, to the elbow, make for warmth, besides looking trim and smart. The ribbed hip yoke holds the jumper below the waist, and the yoke and sleeve tops, knitted and bramble stitch, combine to make a most attractive garment.

MATERIALS: 7oz. two-ply crepe knitting wool, 1 pair No. 10 and 1 pair No. 7 needles, 2 metal dress clips, about 2½in. long.