Antimacassar by Rebekkah Kerner


no longer available from 1 source show
February 2008
Lace ?
US 0 - 2.0 mm
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This project is a collaboration between Syne Mitchell and Rebekkah Kerner. Syne designed and wove the cloth, and Rebekkah designed and knit the lace edging.

The yarn used is Valley Silk, available on cones at WEBS. Only 3-5 grams are necessary for the edging on a 9x9 hankie or antimacassar. Knitters who don’t weave, and who don’t have friends who weave, could easily use a storebought piece of cloth and scraps of laceweight yarn to make this project. Very minimal sewing skills required.