Après ski by Stephanie Voyer

Après ski

January 2015
yarn held together
+ Worsted
= Bulky (7 wpi) ?
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 10 - 6.0 mm
711 - 875 yards (650 - 800 m)
S-M-L- XL (women shoe size 6/7-8-9/10-11)
English French

If you wanna buy this pattern and live in EU, please email me at stephanie@alamaillesuivante.com
Si vous désirez acheter ce pattron et demeurez dans l’UE, envoyez moi un courriel à stephanie@alamaillesuivante.com Merci.

Pattern will be available in english on Wednesday January 21st. Copy this code: “apresski01” if you wanna have. 1$ off until end of January.

Pattern is all worked using 2 strands knitted together.

Le modèle est entièrement tricoté en tricotant 2 brins ensembles.