Ariadne by Jenny White


Jenny White's Ravelry Store
no longer available from 1 source show
February 2009
Sport (12 wpi) ?
13 stitches and 18 rows = 2 inches
in stockinette stitch on US2 in Dos
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
107 - 150 yards (98 - 137 m)
regular (small, large) - short & long in all sizes
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now
Errata available: See below

Newly Updated format!
In the Ariadne Mitts, 6 cables wander in and out in a hypnotic way, following a path that ends as it started.
Worked in three different yarns and two lengths, there are several options for the fingerless mitts. Silky provides a slightly looser mitt that has a special shine and warmth and the Dos is snug and springy with negative ease, like a thick wool sock for your hand. Buffalo is just plain luxury.
The hands are sculpted so that the cables should stay straight and not pull to the side at the thumb or twist.

  • Gauge for Malabrigo Yarn Silky Merino is 12 stitches x 16 rows = 2” worked on US3/3.25

  • Gauge for Buffalo Gold Earth (formerly #3) is 11sts x 19 rows = 2” worked on US2/2.75

Suggestions given for both dpns and magic loop.

Optional materials:

  • stitch markers
  • small cable needle
  • small amount of waste yarn

Thus far, both lengths and all yarns have fit both large & medium hands very well. They look small, but they have a good bit of stretch. However, sizing options are noted for those who feel changes are needed.

ERRATA (Pattern post 2-28-09 is corrected)
T4F from the chart/stitch key should read: cable 2 sts and hold to front, purl 2 sts, knit 2 sts from cable needle

Many thanks to Chris Church (rchrispy), tech editor.