Autumn Glory Socks by Marie-Elyse Dugal

Autumn Glory Socks

October 2023
Light Fingering ?
8 stitches = 1 inch
in Stockinette
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
US 1 - 2.25 mm
300 - 425 yards (274 - 389 m)
Small, Medium, Large (56, 64, 72 stitches)
This pattern is available for C$5.00 CAD buy it now

I love autumn, its glorious colours and the wonderful colourful show that Mother Nature offers at this time each year in my part of the world. I was inspired to write a pattern reminiscent of the beauty but also the quiet and peace of falling leaves twirling in the wind. A pattern that would be intuitive and simple, but still delicate and beautiful, one that would be perfect to let yarn such as a pretty fade shine without competing with it. I hope these Autumn Glory Socks brings you joy!

COUPON CODES: Pay what you can!
To get the pattern at 50% off: HALFPRICE
To get the pattern free: FREEFORME

Yarn and notions:

Yarn: 100g Fingering weight (350-450 yards)
Sample in:
Deconstructed Fade Sock (Fingering 75% Merino 25% Nylon) by Shirley Brian Yarn
Colourway: I’m So Glad I Live in a World Where There Are Octobers

Shirley Brian Yarns website:

Needles: 2.25 or 2.5 mm needles (see note below) with a long cable for magic loop

This pattern features mock cables which tend to make the knitted fabric a little tighter. I went up a needle size to 2.5mm for that reason while using Shirley Brian Yarns since it is a little finer. I also wanted room for a comfortable fit at the upper calf, since I knit my sample extra long to make full use of the beautiful fade. A looser knitter, or a person knitting a shorter leg or the shortie version might well find that 2.25mm offer a better fit for them.
I suggest trying the sock after 3 repeats of the mock rib, and again after the cuff to ensure it fits over the heel of your foot. You may also go up a size (2.5mm) only for the cuff, then go down (2.25mm) for the rest if that works best for you!

Other notions: cable needle, stitch markers, scissors, darning needle

Gauge: 8 sts = 1 inch in stockinette

Nota Bene:

Special instructions for shortie socks are in blue at the end of the written instructions.

Other options for cuff and heel flap are in purple throughout the main instructions.