Baby dress "Margo" by tatiana Martin

Baby dress "Margo"

no longer available from 1 source show
Sport (12 wpi) ?
29 stitches and 36 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
2.0 mm
470 - 492 yards (430 - 450 m)
2-4 yrs
English Russian
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This dress is knitted in the round to the armholes,then divided. The front and back are worked in rows to the shoulders and are then joined with a 3-needle bind-off. Back dress has a small slit and button closure to make sure baby head enter comfortable inside the dress. Armhole and Neckline are finished with optional crochet border.
The pattern contains a chart and instruction
A surprisingly beautiful lace pattern yields striking results in this little dress. To help prevent mistakes, place a marker after each pattern repeat and count stitches often to ensure errors are caught early on.
Yarn You can use any other yarn (350-400m/100gr) 438 yds/3.5 oz
Size only one
Chest 58cm23in
Pattern is available here link
Платье связано по кругу до проймы. Затем Перед/Спинка отдельно. Плечи закрыты методом 3х спиц.
На спинке разрез под пуговицу для того, чтобы голова ребенка входила свободно. Красивая ажурная кайма по низу платья, связана сверху вниз. Необходимо более внимательно вязать ажур и чаще пересчитывать петли. Отделка пройм и горловины крючком.
Подойдет любая пряжа с метражом 350-400м/100грамм.
В готовом виде ОГ(см)- 58.