Bear Hug Sjal by Merethe Naas

Bear Hug Sjal

March 2018
DK (11 wpi) ?
18 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
in rillestrikk
US 7 - 4.5 mm
Depth 16.5“/ 42cm. Wingspan 68.5“/ 174cm
English Norwegian
This pattern is available for kr.79.00 NOK
buy it now or visit pattern website

The Bear Hug Shawl is worked from the neck down. It is an easy and quick, two skeins knit, worked in garter stitch and a cable pattern to make it squishy and comforting. Each right side row increases by 4 stitches, and each wrong side row increases by 2 stitches. An i-cord bind-off makes the edge stable and delicate.

Needle: US size 7 / 4,5mm, 32” / 80cm circular needle. A long circular needle is recommended in
order to accommodate a large number of stitches.
Yarns Used: Approximately 460m / 503yds Enchanted Forest Fiber, Merino DK Natural, 100%
superwash merino wool, in the color “Bear”, 115g = 230m / 250yds per skein.
Gauge: 18 sts and 28 rows = 4 x 4” / 10 x 10cm in Garter stitch unblocked. Gauge is not crucial
for this project.
Final Measurements: Depth 16,5“/ 42cm. Wingspan 68,5“/ 174cm.
Notions: 4 stitch markers, cable needle, tapestry needle.

A special friend of mine was struggling in her life and I wanted to be there to support her. She lives far away from me, so it wasn’t possible just to stop by and give her a friendly bear hug. Then I came up with the design “Bear Hug Shawl”. The cables in the midsection represent
friendship, love, and support.

Note from a knitter:
“I LOVE this project! I cast on last evening and it is really going fast! I have completed through Row 24 and it is absolutely stunning. This is my first real cable project and it causes just a tiny bit if anxiety, but each row is easier.”

Special thanks to Lisa Beth Houchins for tech edit the “Bear Hug Shawl” pattern, a huge thank you to my wonderful testing team!


Bear Hug har klassiske fletter som alltid vil passe inn i garderoben din. Sjalet strikkes ovenfra og ned. Det er enkel og meditativ strikk. Mønsteret er en blanding av rillestrikk og fletter, noe som gjør det mykt og lunt.
På hver rettpinne økes det fire masker, og på hver vrangpinne økes det to masker. I-cordavfelling gjør kanten stabil og gir en delikat avslutning på sjalet.

Lenke og QR-kode til teknikkbiblioteket følger med i oppskriften.

Pinner: 80cm rundp nr. 4.5. Anbefaler å bruke en lang rundpinne pga høyt maskeantall.
Garn brukt: 2 hesper Enchanted Forest Fibers Merino DK Natural, 100% merino, 115g = 230m per hespe.
Strikkefasthet: 18m x 28omg = 10 x 10cm.
Ferdig mål etter utblokking: Dybde 42cm. Vingespenn 174cm.

En nær venn av meg hadde en tung periode i livet og jeg ville vise at jeg støttet henne. Hun bor langt unna meg, så det var ikke mulig å bare stoppe innom og gi henne en vennlig bamseklem («Bear hug»). Da kom jeg opp med designet «Bear Hug-sjal».
Flettene i midtpartiet representerer vennskap, kjærlighet og omsorg.