Beret Flower by Judy Malcolm

Beret Flower

March 2025
DK (11 wpi) ?
5.0 mm (H)
2.25 mm (B)
33 - 36 yards (30 - 33 m)
This pattern is available for $4.50 USD
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This pattern was created to be an embellishment for a beret but if you like you can use it for whatever you choose. My previous pattern showed you how to create the beret (if you would like a written pattern and tutorial for the beret check out the link below). This pattern comes in only one size. The yarn we use is Bernat Softee Baby yarn – 100% acrylic – light 3. We use two different color yarns to complete our project. The color yarns are Soft Peach and Pink. An additional supply that we will need are stitch markers.

If you need help with this pattern check out my tutorials:
The Soft Beret tutorial:
Beret Flower tutorial:
The Soft Beret pattern: