Berries and basket by Elizabeth Goddard

Berries and basket

July 2022
Aran (8 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
This pattern is available for $4.00 USD
buy it now or visit pattern website

The crochet Berry Bundle pattern is in a PDF file.
In this file you will receive:
5 different patterns, and with those you can recreate the 7 items featured here
(strawberry, red raspberry, purple raspberry, blue wild berry, blueberry, leaf, and a basket)

It includes detailed step by step instructions- with several photos and videos!!!

It is available here in an instant download immediately after purchase is complete.

Making your own toys is a great way to help slow down the average use of harmful materials and is an overall great hobby to pick up! Great alternative to plastics!

Language: English
Skill Level: Beginner/Easy to intermediate

Yarn: Detailed in the PDF
Crochet Hook: 4.00 mm (G-6)
Other Needed Materials:
A Yarn Needle
(A needle with a curved tip is preferred)
Stich Markers or Stich Pins
Polyfill for stuffing

Finished Size: The approximate length of the finished project
is around-
2” Strawberry
2”’ leaf
1” raspberry (red/purple)
1” wild berry
.5” blueberry
4” crochet basket
this varies slightly, depending
on the type/brand of yarn used and amount of stuffing

Should you have any questions- feel free to message me.