Berry French Market Bag by Woolly Wagtail

Berry French Market Bag

November 2018
Light Fingering ?
3.5 mm (E)
547 - 634 yards (500 - 580 m)
One Size
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

If you do like the pattern please. Take a moment to follow me on Instagram WoollyWagtail where you will get to see more inspiring ideas.

What you need:

• Two different coloured skeins of Woolly Wagtail Feathers Linen (Monarch and Canary). 50grams (290 meters) of each colour is required for this pattern. Alternatively, use one skein of Woolly Wagtail Feathers linen, wound into two balls, for a single colour bag.
• Size 3.5mm crochet hook, US Size E
• Removable stitch markers
• Tapestry needle

WIDTH: 70cm
LENGTH: Bag section 30cm, Strap section: 23cm
GAUGE: Sts = 4”/10cm in pattern

Note: Pattern is first worked in back and forth rows to form a mesh oblong, this is gathered with decreases in the strap base to start forming the bag. The sides are joined by the thin strap sections which are worked in the round on either side.