Bird Song Socks by Bethany Cerella

Bird Song Socks

Bethany Cerella's Ravelry Store
no longer available from 1 source show
April 2013
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
9 stitches = 1 inch
in st st
US 00 - 1.75 mm
US 1 - 2.25 mm
400 yards (366 m)
To fit ball of the foot measuring 7.5” (8.5”, 9.5”)
This pattern is available for $4.50 USD buy it now

Designed to highlight the gentle variations of tonal, hand-dyed yarn, these cozy socks are a delight to wear. Like bird song, the staggered cable pattern shows up everywhere possible, a wonderful opportunity to learn to cable without a cable hook!

Sizes: To fit ball of the foot measuring 7.5” (8.5”, 9.5”)
Length is easily adjustable. One 400 yard skein of Augustbird Hearty Sock yarn will knit a pair of medium size socks that measure about 14” from toe to cuff along instep and front of leg.

You will need:

~ 2 sets of dpns or circs to get two different gauges: 9.5 sts per inch and 9sts per inch. I used 1.75mm and 2.25mm. Be sure you measure your gauge after washing/blocking.

~ stitch markers, scissors, and a tapestry needle (and a cable needle if you want).