Bob's Party Socks by Alyson Johnson

Bob's Party Socks

March 2008
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
32 stitches and 40 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 1 - 2.25 mm
350 - 400 yards (320 - 366 m)
This pattern is available for free

This pattern was inspired by Ravelry - all proceeds from sale were donated straight to Ravelry, and now it’s time to make it free to any Ravelry friend!

These socks are written with toe-up construction and short-row heel on double-point needles.

Errata! (sort of - more like suggestions)

1: When you’ve finished the heel and are starting on the leg, remember that you have 38 sts on the top of the foot and 34 on the back. To keep track of the 18st repeat for the leg, you may find it helpful to shift the two purl stitches at the end of Needle 2 to the beginning of Needle 3. (The pattern file was updated on 3/21/2008 with this information.)

2: Depending on the, um, shapeliness of your calves, you may want to make an adjustment before beginning the ribbing. I have the sort of legs that tend to hold socks in place on their own (read: shapely). The lacy ribbing at the cuff isn’t as snuggly as regular 1x1 ribbing would be - you may want to decrease evenly around the sock before beginning the cuff if you need the staying power. (You can add between an inch to an inch and a half of negative ease. For example, work a round of k7, k2tog to decrease 8 stitches (about an inch), or k4, k2tog to decrease 12 stitches (about an inch and a half). This’ll make that lace ribbing fit much more snugly.)