Bohemian Pillow by Lorri Ann Romesberg

Bohemian Pillow

September 2019
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
9 stitches = 4 inches
in Stockinette stitch
US 13 - 9.0 mm
6.5 mm (K)
400 - 1100 yards (366 - 1006 m)
14” x 14”, 16” x 16”, 18” x 18”, 20” x 20”, 22” x 22”, 24” x 24”
This pattern is available for $2.99 USD buy it now

After spending a winter cuddled up under my Bohemian Afghan, I decided that matching pillows would be a lovely addition.

I have also been trying to have less impact on the environment by repurposing items that have outlasted their usefulness. In this case, I decided to cover old pillows in the Bohemian design. If you do not have any old pillows that could use a makeover, you can also use a pillow form available at any craft store.

Like the Bohemian afghan, this pillow is colorful and mindless knitting. It requires not a single purl stitch and can be made from whatever scrap worsted weight yarn you have sitting around.

The pattern is 5 pages and includes phototutorials showing how to complete a crochet cast-on and 3-needle bind off. This pattern is suitable for a beginning knitter.

14” x 14” (16” x 16”, 18” x 18”, 20” x 20”, 22” x 22”, 24” x 24”). Shown in 20-inches by 20-inches.

6 (7, 9, 11, 14, 16) ounces of a variety of worsted weight yarn.

• 1 - U.S. size K (6.50mm) crochet hook
• 1 - U.S. size 13 (9.00mm) 24- or 32-inch circular knitting needle. Shorter length should be used for smallest two sizes.
• 1 - U.S. size 13 (9.00mm) knitting needle

• Tapestry needle
• 2 stitch markers
• Tape measure
• Pillow form in corresponding size