Brunswick Swing Jacket by Crumbz Own Designs

Brunswick Swing Jacket

January 2019
Bulky (7 wpi) ?
12 stitches and 17 rows = 4 inches
US 11 - 8.0 mm
591 - 787 yards (540 - 720 m)
2, 4, 6, 8 years
This pattern is available for AU$14.95 AUD
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A gorgeous, soft, chunky Swing Jacket and matching Beanie designed by Crumbz for cool kids

Years 2 (4-6-8)
To Fit Underarm 55 (60-65-70) cm
Actual Measurement (approx, at underarm) 60 (65-70-79) cm .95
Length to Shoulder (approx) 45 (49-53-57) cm
Sleeve Length 23 (28-33-38) cm

Years 2/4 (6/8)
To Fit Head (approx) 51/52 (53/55) cm

Yarn Requirements
Il Mega Morbidone (Made in Italy) 100g (90m) / ball, 100% Extra Fine Merino
6 (7-7-8) x balls for Jacket
2 (3) x balls for Beanie

Needles and Extras
1 pair 8mm Knitting Needles or size required to give correct tension.
2 x 7mm double pointed needles for Jacket.
Cable Needle; A Wool Needle; Sewing thread for sewing seams; 1 Button for Jacket.

12 sts and 17 rows to 10cm over double moss st, using 8mm Needles. To work a 15 cm x 15 cm tension square, use 8mm Needles, cast on 17 sts. 1st row – K1, * P1, K1, rep from * to end. 2nd row – P1, * K1, P1, rep from * to end. 3rd row – As 2nd row. 4th row – As 1st row. Rows 1 to 4 incl form double moss st. Rep last 4 rows 5 times more. Cast off loosely. Please check your tension carefully. If less sts use smaller needles, if more sts use bigger needles.