Buffalo Earflap Hat by Julie Stone

Buffalo Earflap Hat

Julie Stone's Ravelry Store
no longer available from 1 source show
October 2015
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette
US 6 - 4.0 mm
150 - 250 yards (137 - 229 m)
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Easily create a colorful hat by using a yarn that gradually changes shades for the buffalo. The hat pictured was made with scraps of both Noro Silk Garden and Noro Kureyon for the colorwork and Lamb’s Pride Worsted for the main color. Wool is recommended as it allows for shrinkage or stretching, if needed, for smaller or larger sizes.

Instructions are for one size, to fit a 22” – 23” inch head. Smaller or larger sizes can be achieved by changing the gauge or by stretching or shrinking the hat.

The pattern contains written instructions with charts for the buffalo and designs at the top of the hat.

Techniques and finishing that save time and ensure a beautiful result:

• Working in the round from the bottom up on a circular needle ensures that your floats aren’t pulled too tightly while doing the stranded work.

• This hat is made to fit not-too-snugly to allow for a fleece lining for extra warmth and for those who find wool itchy. The lining also covers the long floats so that there is no danger of someone getting their fingers caught, plus you don’t have to catch your floats while knitting – a real timesaver! Fleece is comfy, inexpensive, and can be sewn in place with raw edges that won’t unravel.

• Detailed instructions are included for washing and blocking the hat on a do-it-yourself form.

• Wool is recommended as it allows for better stretching or shrinking if needed, to get the best fit.