Butterfly Cropped Sweater by Lorraine Hearn

Butterfly Cropped Sweater

April 2013
Aran (8 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
24 Inch chest to 30 inch chest
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This is the second of 2 designs featured in this leaflet. Its a fun project to make too. The butterfly motif is knitted separately and then stitched onto the design for this effective 3D effect.

The Neckborder is knitted in so there are no picking up stitches around the neck.

Its great for those little parties and special occasions. Non Ravelry members can also purchase this pattern direct from my main website

REMEMBER ITS BUY PATTERNS E/BOOKS AND CHOOSE PATTERNS / EBOOKS TOTALLING THE SAME VALUE OF YOUR PURCHASE FREE FROM MY COLLECTION. Free pattern choices do not include any charity e books from the Aspley Collection but you are so welcome to choose from the many other designs available from other collections on my site.

If you decide you would like to support Aspley Guise Lower School with the charity e books to help raise £80,000 for a new building.Do feel free to take a look at the designs featured in these e books and the free pattern offer still applies. Its always wonderful to have your support.and its really appreciated by all of us here.

If you decide to make a purchase e mail me either through Ravelry or on Lorraine.Hearn1@btinternet.com with your free pattern choice and your free patterns will be e mailed over to you directly.

Thank you so much for your support. It is always greatly appreciated.