Cable Jumpigan by Marciemakes

Cable Jumpigan

April 2020
Aran (8 wpi) ?
16 stitches and 14 rows = 4 inches
in Working 1 Row of Dc, then 1 Row of Sc
5.0 mm (H)
800 - 1275 yards (732 - 1166 m)
Small, Medium, Large, X-Large
This pattern is available as a free Ravelry download

Sizes: All measurements are approx.

  • Small (UK 8/10)– Armpit to armpit 21.25” / 54cm
  • Medium (UK – Armpit to armpit 22.5” / 57.15cm
  • Large - Armpit to armpit 24.8” / 63cm
  • X Large – Armpit to armpit 31.5” / 80cm

Hook: 5mm

10cm = 16 sts x 14 rows (Working in Row 1: Dc all Sts, Row 2: Sc all sts repeat for gauge)

Yarn: Aran/Worsted (Medium 4)
Yarn I used: Lion Brand Feels Like Butta in Dusty Pink
My testers used Lion brand Pound & Caron Pound and used less yarn, see amounts below. If you choose Feels Like Butta be aware it is more dense and you may use more yarn

Amount required: (Dependent on desired top length & yarn)
Small: Approx. 400g – 420g / 800 - 915yards
Medium: Approx. 455g / 812 yards
Large: Approx. 500g / 875 yards
X Large: Approx. 568g – 600g / 1275 yards

All these amounts are approx. as it does depend on your tension and the yarn you choose. Please contact me if you have any questions.

Optional Additional Supplies:
This is dependent if you are making the cardigan or faux cardigan with buttons. I used approx. 1.5cm sized buttons, but dependent on buttonhole size).
The number of buttonholes is customisable, for small I used 5.

St   Stitch
Ch  Chain
Sp Space
Sc  Single Crochet
Dc  Double Crochet
Dc2tog Double Crochet 2 stitches together
Sk Skip stitch
WS Wrong Side
RS Right Side
{{ }} Total stitches
( ) Additional Sizes – medium, large & X-large

The photos are for size small.

All my patterns use US terminology

This jumper/cardigan is worked in one piece from top down. I work it flat, as I like to ensure a straight edge (also means it can be made into a cardigan too!). However you are welcome to work this jumper in the round, just make sure you place a marker at the beginning of your row, and you may need to adjust the Sts slightly as you go along.