Cable Knit Crop Vest by Tiffany Liew

Cable Knit Crop Vest

no longer available from 1 source show
January 2021
Aran (8 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 28 rows = 4 inches
US 6 - 4.0 mm
US 4 - 3.5 mm
300 - 350 yards (274 - 320 m)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.


This knitted crop top is one of my first patterns. If you try out this pattern, please feel free to contact me if there is any confusion via Ravelry, Instagram or my email. As well check out my YouTube video through the process of creating the design. I would love to hear any feedback on how I could make this pattern better or easier to understand. All the abbreviations and knit stitches can be found on YouTube.

This blue cable knit pullover is knitted from top of the back downward and increased towards the mid-back. Cable knit stitches are incorporated alternately. Stitches are picked up from cast on edge at the shoulders and connected to create the front. The front is knitted and connected to the back to knit in the round. Sleeves and collar are knitted in a rib pattern. Size is a medium but could fit a small loosely.

Check out the process on my YouTube video: