Cable Knit Doll Tunic by Daniel Bingham Design Studio

Cable Knit Doll Tunic

no longer available from 1 source show
Light Fingering ?
9 stitches and 13 rows = 1 inch
US 1 - 2.25 mm
80 - 140 yards (73 - 128 m)
11 1/2" (Barbie™) and 16" doll size (Tyler™)
This pattern is available from for $7.00.

For an intermediate level project that doesn’t take forever to knit, consider Daniel Bingham’s long lean cable tunic. Two simple reversing cable panels, bordered with twisted knit ridges are the main design features. But the two real pockets are the main design fun (imagine the doll posing possibilities!). The tunic is finished with a graceful funnel neck collar in twisted ribbing and matching twisted ribbing on the sleeves, lower edge and pocket bands.

Link is to Barbie size. Also available in 16” size.
16” doll pattern