Cable Stitch Pillow by Taylor Creations

Cable Stitch Pillow

no longer available from 1 source show
March 2023
4.0 mm (G)
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

4mm crochet hook
Worsted weight yarn
Yarn needle
Optional: fabric, thread, and a sewing needle (or sewing machine) to make a lining for the pillow.

This is my first time writing a cable stitch pattern. If anything is confusing or needs to be corrected, please contact me. You can reach me:
•on my website (,
•on my Revelry account (,
•on Pinterest (,
•or by emailing me (
Previous cabling experience is suggested before making this pillow.
I used fabric and sewed a liner for the pillow. After I crocheted the pillow and sewed three out of four sides together, I measured the material and cut my fabric to size. I sewed the fabric and stuffed it before closing the last side of the pillow lining. I then inserted the stuffed lining into the crocheted fabric and sewed the crocheted fabric shut.