Cactus by Luciana Botto


January 2023
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
25 stitches and 41 rows = 4 inches
US 3 - 3.25 mm
875 - 886 yards (800 - 810 m)
one size
English French Italian
This pattern is available for €9.00 EUR buy it now

35%OFF until february 8th, 2023 - coupon code: CACTUS

Essendo il davanti e il dietro perfettamente uguali, potete portare indifferentemente questo capo sia con il davanti sul dietro che con il dietro sul davanti. A voi la scelta e buon lavoro!
Spiegazioni passo a passo sulle cuciture.

As the front and back are perfectly the same, you can wear thi garnment either with the front on the back or with the back on the front. The choice is your. Happy knitting!
Step-by-step instructions for seams.

Le devant et le dos étant parfaitement identiques, vous pouvez porter ce vêtement soit avec le devant sur le dos, soit avec le dos sur le devant. Le choix est à vous. Bon travail !
Instructions étape par étape pour les coutures.