Cask Baskets by Xandy Peters

Cask Baskets

May 2015
Super Bulky (5-6 wpi) ?
7 stitches and 11 rows = 4 inches
in stockinette stitch on larger needles
US 17 - 12.0 mm
US 15 - 10.0 mm
150 - 300 yards (137 - 274 m)
About 7 (10, 12)" bottom diameter
This pattern is available from for $4.79.

These baskets are the best of both worlds—designed to be sturdy enough to hold a variety of goods, but soft and supple enough to stack easily in almost any space. Roll up the brims for taller objects or keep them low to show off your goods.

Size About 7 (10, 12)“ bottom diameter
Yarn HiKoo Tee Cakes (51% cotton scraps, 49% scraps of undetermined fiber content; about 75 yd 69 m/225-300 g):
• 7” basket: greys (MC) and yellows (CC), 1 skein each
• 10” basket: greys (MC), 1 skein; blues (CC), 2 skeins
• 12” basket: greys (MC) and oranges (CC), 2 skeins each
Yarn distributed by Skacel
Gauge About 7 sts and 11 rows = 4” in St st on larger needle (see Notes)
• Size 17 (12.75 mm): 24” circular (cir) needle
• Size 15 (10 mm): 24” cir needle and set of double-pointed needles (dpn)
• Markers (m)
• Tapestry needle