Check, Please by Fran Carle

Check, Please

March 2022
Worsted (9 wpi) ?
22 stitches and 24 rows = 4 inches
in colorwork stockinette
US 7 - 4.5 mm
160 - 220 yards (146 - 201 m)
Child, Adult S, Adult L
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This hat is part of the Brother Hat collection. I skipped last year for my brothers annual Christmas Hat design, but I think I got my groove back. I used scraps of worsted weight yarns in all natural, undyed yarns for this hat, but it could also be made with as few as 2 contrasting colours, or more than 4 if you really want to get creative. This hat is very simple, warm and unisex. An ideal project for knitters new to colorwork, and experienced knitters looking for a relaxing and easy knit alike. The folded double brim will keep the ears extra warm and of course can be replaced easily with a single layer ribbed brim if the extra warmth is not required. Since I live in northern Canada… extra warmth is always something to be considered.

Size: Small (child), M, L
Yarn: Shown – CC1- Abundant Earth Fiber United Tribe (200 yards/100 grams)
CC2/CC3- Knit Picks Simply Wool Worsted in Wanda and Winnie (218 yards/100 grams)
CC4- West Coast Colour Homegrown in Caramel (313 yards/113 grams)
Recommended- 50 grams of CC1 and CC2 for 2 colour version, or 30 grams each if using 4 colours.
Needles: 4.5mm needles of choice depending on the knitters individual knitting style (16” circs, long circ for magic loop or DPN’s for crown shaping)
Notions: darning needle for weaving in ends, smooth waste yarn for provisional cast on if used, pompom if desired.
Gauge: 22 stitches per 4” in colorwork stockinette and 24 rounds per 4” in colorwork stockinette

Please join my group Inky Knitter Designs if you have any questions or concerns. Also, I’m always looking for more test knitters! Also, follow me on IG if you’re interested in what I’m working on! My handle is theinkyknitter. Thanks