Childs Easy/Quick Knit Honeycomb Sweater by Lorraine Hearn

Childs Easy/Quick Knit Honeycomb Sweater

no longer available from other sources show
US 15 - 10.0 mm
4-10 yrs
Discontinued. This digital pattern is no longer available online.

This is a super easy knit stylish sweater. Its perfect for those of you that want some quick and easy last minutes projects to knit up.

Malabrigo Gruesa yarn is really beautiful. The Shade I used in the photo was Apple Cinnamon. Its really rich and great shade for the Autumn.

We have experienced some problems with our Adobe Reader this weekend so the pdfs loaded by us onto Ravelry this weekend will hopefully be loaded onto Ravelry tommorrow but you can purchase this item through my main website and we will e mail the PDF over to you when its gone through the system.

Remember its buy one pattern and choose another pattern of the same value or less from my collection.

Yarn retailers these designs are available at wholesale prices as well. Do enquire if you are interested.

Happy Knitting!