Chimmy Amigurumi by La Pelucia Crochê

Chimmy Amigurumi

February 2024
Sport (12 wpi) ?
3.5 mm (E)
20 cm
English Additional languages which are not in the download: Portuguese
This pattern is available for $6.00 USD buy it now

I used cotton yarn and the finished doll will be about 20 cm tall.

Begginer to intermediate level. Feel free to contact me for any questions!

If you share your Chimmy on instagram please give credit and tag me, I’d love to see your work

This pattern is for personal use only. Neither the pattern as a whole nor parts of it may be reproduced, published (in printed and/or digital format), altered, translated into other languages, exchanged or sold. All products made based on this pattern can only be sold in limited quantities, as long as they are handmade by you. You can share photos of “Chimmy” online if credit is explicitly given to the designer La Pelúcia Crochê (pattern by @lapeluciacroche).