Christmastime Mug Wrap by taffylass knits

Christmastime Mug Wrap

October 2020
DK (11 wpi) ?
US 6 - 4.0 mm
This pattern is available for free.

Easy to knit with simple instructions of knit and purl. This is cosy that just slips over the mug and ties at the top with ribbon.
This mug wrap is more of a decorative item rather than practical.
A mug could be filled with sweets or chocolates and given as a gift.

Idea for a little gift: fill mug with sachets of coffee and hot chocolate and individual pre-packed biscuits, soaps and small items of toiletries, sweets etc
Another idea is instead of using a mug, sew all the seam up and cover a paper or plastic glass and use as a table decorations.

I am sure there are lots of ideas to fill the mug with.

Teams up with Christmastime tea cosy