Cirsium by Aimee J. Nemeth


January 2014
Lace ?
24 stitches = 4 inches
in Not Critical
US 4 - 3.5 mm
475 - 500 yards (434 - 457 m)
Approx. 9” wide and 60” long, blocked.
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Cirsium is the genus to which many species of thistle belong. While thistles are generally considered to be weeds, I
happen to think the reddish purple flowers are quite beautiful. The thistle is also a symbol of Scotland from which I can claim some ancestry. The lace pattern comes from one of Barbara Walker’s stitch collections.

I made this scarf several years ago from some of my handspun yarn, long before I had any intention of writing a pattern. Fortunately, I made up a chart at the time and kept reasonably good notes. Since I knew the initial weight and yardage of my yarn, it was easy to calculate how much I had used in the scarf.