Cocktail Blouse by Smart Crochet Magazine

Cocktail Blouse

August 1954
yarn held together
+ Lace
= ?
see notes
5.5 mm (I)
1400 - 1575 yards (1280 - 1440 m)
14 (16, 18)

Simplicity is the keynote of this fragile-looking but long-wearing cocktail blouse. A mere suggestion of shaping, yet if offers untold figure flattery.

Instructions are for size 14. Changes for sizes 16 and 18 are in parentheses.

MATERIALS: Bucilla Twinklesheen: 8 (8, 9) balls. No. 9 plastic crochet hook.

GAUGE: 9 pats. = 5”; 3 rows = 1”

Finished Crocheted Measurements of Bust: 35 (37½, 40)“

note: Work with double strand of Twinklesheen throughout.