Colleri by Luciana Botto


September 2017
Sport (12 wpi) ?
19 stitches and 34 rows = 4 inches
in gauge not crucial for this work
US 4 - 3.5 mm
556 - 558 yards (508 - 510 m)
one size
English French Italian
This pattern is available for €5.00 EUR
buy it now or visit pattern website

Una sciarpa a cui non rinuncerete per tutta la stagione fredda: da regalare o da regalarsi, da portare e portare ancora …
Spiegazioni dettagliatissime su:
• Istruzioni per l’esecuzione
• Aumenti laterali “L” indispensabili per questa forma allungata
• Spille

A scarf that you will not give up during the whole cold season: for a gift or for yourself, to wear and wear again …
Detailed explanations on:
• Instructions for execution
• Selvedge increases “L” , essential for this elongated shape
• Brooches

Une écharpe à laquelle vous ne renoncerez pas pendant toute la saison froide: pour un cadeau ou pour vous-même, facile à porter…
Des explications détaillées sur:
• Instructions pour l’exécution
• Augmentations latérales “L” indispensables pour cette forme allongée
• Broches